Tips And Tricks For An Awesome Champagne Party

Tips And Tricks For An Awesome Champagne Party

A champagne party is a celebratory social gathering that typically coincides with the celebration of a special occasion. A champagne party can be thrown to celebrate an engagement, birthday, graduation, or any other significant milestone. The main purpose of this type of party is to have a fun time with friends and family without being anyone’s house guest for extended periods of time. You can explore chapagne online here

Coordinate with family and friends about your champagne party

Obviously it’s great to have lots of champagne, party decorations, and a nice place to celebrate. However, if you don’t take the time to coordinate with your family and friends about the details of your party they may not be able to attend on time. When possible it’s best to make sure that everyone can make it before you start decorating or serving the champagne.

Make sure that your champagne lady is available

Otherwise known as the bartender, a champagne lady is essential to make sure that guests are served and happy. She should know how to properly open bottles of champagne and serve it to guests within glasses without spilling any. It’s best if anyone who wants to serve drinks has had some formal training on how to do so in a social setting.

The champagne lady should not only be familiar with the drinks being served to guests, but also know how to make certain bartending tricks such as pouring the last few drops of champagne in the glasses of an already full glass.

Choose a theme or ribbon color for your decorating

A theme is a subtle way to dress up your party without overdoing it. It’s best to coordinate with your champagne lady in order to have an overall plan for decorating and serving drinks. It’s important to make sure that the color is not too bold and that it matches with your party as a whole.

Make sure that you have adequate decorations

Decorating a champagne party can be as easy or difficult as you want it to be and has no absolute rules. However, it’s best to coordinate your theme with the champagne lady so that everyone is on the same page.

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