What is the definition of an executive summary?

Estimated read time 2 min read

An executive summary is a brief part that appears at the start of another document, most often a business plan, proposal, or report. The executive summary, as the name implies, summarises the remainder of the text. Its objective is to tell readers about all of your document’s important topics without requiring them to read it in full. An executive summary slide typically includes a problem description, background information, potential solutions, abridged analysis, and major findings.

An executive summary is a critical piece of documentation for your company. Your proposal or business plan will be read from beginning to end. If it doesn’t persuade the stakeholders that reading the entire thing is worthwhile, you may say goodbye to the contract or investment.

Executive summaries are written for executives. And they’re a busy lot. They most likely do not have the time to read a 100-page project overview or a full financial analysis. They require a condensed version to assist them comprehend the most essential concerns and determine whether or not to do business with you.

And this is precisely what you should keep in mind while writing the summary: pretend it’s the only portion of your whole paper that will be read. Make it appealing and detailed enough for individuals to make a decision entirely based on it.

If I could only tell you one thing about writing executive summary slide, it would be that there is no single successful technique. Every time you go down to create an executive summary, you must spin the wheel and personalise it to that one client, investor, or board member.

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